Amazon Case: Transformative Branding of a Charity NGO

Client Background




Specific Niche

Specific Niche

NGO (Charity)

Company Size

Company Size

Medium-sized Business

Service Provided

Service Provided

Amazon Marketing

A prominent player in the international relief and development sector, this Muslim non-governmental organization (NGO) operates with a mission to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable communities and respond to disasters and emergencies on a global scale. Officially registered as a charity in the United Kingdom, this organization was founded in 1999. The establishment of this charity was driven by a noble objective — to combat poverty universally, transcending boundaries of race, religion, and gender.

Key Challenges

No Distinct Brand Identity

No Distinct Brand Identity

The brand struggled to carve out a unique identity in the minds of its target audience, as brand elements were overly cluttered and lacked diversity.

Ineffective Advertising Strategy

Ineffective Advertising Strategy

The brand incurred significant losses in advertising, with an ACoS surpassing 100%, draining profits rather than contributing to the brand's success.

Lack of Keyword Indexing

Lack of Keyword Indexing

The product listings failed to capitalize on a crucial aspect of audience outreach — high search volume and relevant keywords — resulting in missed opportunities for visibility.

Feeble Product Content & Branding

Feeble Product Content & Branding

The products suffered from lackluster content, failing to effectively convey the product details and the brand's mission. Essential elements were omitted from the product listings.

Nonexistent Organic Sales

Nonexistent Organic Sales

Insufficient advertising efforts, coupled with a lack of market and keyword research, left the brand virtually invisible in terms of high-volume searches and sales-generating keywords

Solutions: Complete Amazon Strategy Revamp

Branding Revamp & Listing Optimizations

Scaleforte orchestrated a strategic overhaul of charity NGO’s branding, crafting enticing product detail pages that effectively drove customer engagement. A captivating brand story was developed to articulate their mission and vision, complemented by visually appealing, brand-centric images for new products.

Differentiation-based Market Research

A comprehensive market research initiative was conducted across all product lines. It helped with understanding the market dynamics and opportunities. The resulting product development sheet played a pivotal role in positioning the NGO's offerings as distinctive and superior amidst the competition.

Effective Optimization & Keyword Integration

Through advanced keyword research, we identified high-potential keywords with optimal search volume and minimal competition. These strategically selected keywords were seamlessly integrated into the listings, providing an immediate boost to the brand's sales performance.

Boosted Product Appeal & Visibility

Tackling the challenge of lackluster product content and a narrative void, we implemented engaging product detail pages, infused with brand-themed images and A+ Content/EBC. This not only elevated the overall product appeal but also significantly enhanced visibility across various platforms.

Effective Strategic Advertisements


Embarking on a comprehensive advertising strategy, we executed all three campaign types—Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brand, and Sponsored Display. Progressing in alignment with the provided forecasts, we achieved a substantial reduction in ACoS, transitioning from 88% (January) and 49% (February) to a remarkable 14% in March. Simultaneously, sponsored sales witnessed a substantial surge, escalating from 45 units (January) and 60 units (February) to an impressive 406 units in March.

Our concerted efforts propelled the products to prime positions, initially securing placement on the first page and subsequently ascending to the top of search results. This strategic approach resulted in a significant uptick in product sales, surging from 151 units (January) and 226 units (February) to an outstanding 1001 units in March.


Boost in Revenue


Through the implementation of diverse strategies tailored to the prevailing circumstances and unwavering dedication, we achieved a substantial growth in revenue. On December 19, 2023, our concerted efforts yielded a noteworthy revenue of £61,106.90, marking a substantial increase from the £23,704.88 recorded in the preceding year of 2022.

Milestones Achieved

Substantial Growth in Sales
0 %
Surge in Revenue
0 %
Brand Visibility
0 %
Reduction in ACoS
0 %
Account Stability
0 %

Milestones Achieved

Account Stability
0 %
Brand Visibility
0 %
Surge in Revenue
0 %
Reduction in ACoS
0 %
Substantial Growth in Sales
0 %


Distinguished Identity

Through effective efforts in transformative branding and addition of brand elements in product listings by Scaleforte has allowed this Muslim NGO to achieve a distinguished brand identity.


Reduced ACoS

The implementation of effective keyword indexing and precisely tailored advertising campaigns resulted in a noteworthy reduction in ACoS and a substantial surge in sponsored sales.


Faster Growth

The tangible outcomes of these efforts materialized in a remarkable revenue growth for the Muslim NGO brand, escalating from £23,704.88 in 2022 to an impressive £61,106.90 on December 19, 2023.


More Traffic & Sales

By optimizing product listings, and targeted market research, Scaleforte not only refined the messaging of the organization but also elevated the visibility and allure of its products, leading to higher organic sales.

Current Journey of the Client

This success serves as a testament to the transformative impact of Scaleforte’s digital strategy, reinforcing the online presence of the NGO and significantly contributing to its overarching mission of alleviating global poverty.


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