Amazon Product Listing Guidelines For Amazon Sellers in 2024

Amazon Product Listing Guidelines

Amazon product listing guidelines are important for one to know before listing their products on the store as it is will get the attention of potential buyers and will make them buy from your product. Adhering to these product listing guidelines ensures that your product is visually inviting and fully compliant with Amazon standards, resulting in increased sales.

In this article, we will describe all the necessary Amazon product listing guidelines based on the norms specified in the style guide. 

1) Optimizing Product Titles:

Having a well-optimized title is extremely important as it conveys most of the information to your potential customers; it should be clear, concise and to the point and should include the following things:

  • Brand Name: Begin the message with the name of your brand to create the needed image.
  • Product Name: Thus, the name of the product must be clearly stated.
  • Key Features: Include all components of the product that should attract the customers with details such as color, size, and model number.

i) Capitalization Rules:

It is costly to capitalize each word separately, however, if the first word is one of the conjunction or prepositions, the rule is that you don’t have to until and unless you must capitalize the first word of the title. The rule contributes to improving readability and is consistent with Amazon’s product listing guidelines.

II) Don’t Use Unnecessary Punctuation and Symbols:

Do not use; “!” “&” symbols in the SEO friendly URLs as this will degrade the site comprehensibility and appears to keyword stuffing thus this should be avoided.

III) Character Limits:

Amazon has a limit to the number of characters a title should have and this is around 150-200. If one ensures that there is a maximum use of the allowed characters then the modification does not in any way affect the efficiency of the title and it is clearly displayed to the users interested in the product during the search phase.

2) Bullet Pointers:

Bullet points are critical if you want to convey your product’s key features and benefits clearly; easy-to-read bullet points are what every customer wants to see, which will immediately decide if they will buy the product or not. Let’s discuss the critical elements of making your bullet points the most effective:

  • Highlighting Benefits: Focus on USPs and why customers should buy your product. Focus on the consumer’s pain points.
  • Use Keywords Naturally: Incorporate keywords in your product listings for better searchability.
  • Concise and Specific: Keep the bullet points short and to the point.
  • Clarity: Write clear bullet points which are easy to understand.

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3) Product Descriptions:

Your product description is the most attractive thing you tell your customers about your products and thus tries to attract them more, which results in a purchase of the product. Best product descriptions should be written according to the following guidelines:

  • Short Paragraphs: If the paragraphs itself is short it will be easy to read.
  • Bullet Points: Bullet points can also be used to showcase the features of your product.
  • Subheadings: Subheadings should used in product description for a decent and organized look.

I) Storytelling:

When writing the product description, do it as if you were telling it a story. Describe your product here in detail. Use catchy text to tell people the value of your product and a little bit more detail that will make them continue scrolling down and learn how it works. This will show them exactly how is your product going to make their lives better, or solve the problems they’re dealing with. Targeting primarily on customers common ache areas leads their purchases towards your product.

II) SEO Optimization:

Be sure to utilize long-tail keywords that would be something a customer may enter searching for the product. The benefit is that it will increase the search visibility of your product.

III) Meet Style Guidelines:

Remember to keep your product descriptions in line with Amazon’s formatting rules (i.e. no HTML tags allowed) and use natural language without portraying yourself as overly promotional to avoid any misconceptions.

4) Optimising Images:

The next most important aspect of an Amazon listing is the images, this will give your customers a visual confirmation about the quality and features associated with your product; follow these guidelines for super optimized images:

  • High Quality Images: Ensure your product images are in HD resolution so that if a customer wants to zoom, they can also show the area.
  • Multi-Angle Images: If possible, showcase the product from all angles to ensure 360-degree perspective.
  • Infographics: Use infographics to showcase the real benefits of the product with its key features.
  • Detailed close-ups: Give a good detail to your product with close shots.

5) Backend Keywords:

Not just that, hidden keywords are one of the ways through which your product will also be able to feature in search results making it easier for potential buyers to discover it. Refer to the below strategies for optimal backend keyword optimization:

  • Synonyms: Include different names and relevant terms for your product.
  • Avoid repetition: Don’t repeat them in your title or product descriptions.
  • Use relevant keywords: Take full advantage of the available space to add keywords that your customers may use while searching for your product.
  • Do not use Prohibited Terms: Do not include brand names, offensive terms in your backend keywords and strictly follow Amazon guidelines.

6) Pricing & Promotions:

When it comes to marketplace like Amazon offering competitive pricing and promotions become one of the most critical things with regards to how you’ll be able to attract and retain customers against a competitor. You want to make sure it’s brief and punchy enough so that your customers can’t say “no”. Here are a few tips to better assist you in this case –

  • Dynamic pricing: Implementing new methodologies to quote prices that are correspondent with the rival’s status in the market.
  • Coupons and Deals: Incentivize those who will have been referred by your customers with discounts, special offers etc.
  • Keep Regular Monitoring: Monitor your product prices from time to time in a way that they do not squeeze profit margins very much and provide an edge over the competitors.
  • Limited Time Offers: Feel the sense of urgency through limited time discounts and exchange offers.

7) Customer Reviews and Q&A:

Customer feedback dramatically improves the buying decisions of your potential customers. When they see that another person has bought this product and is extremely satisfied with it, it encourages them to purchase it. Use the following strategies for managing your product’s reviews and Q&A:

  • Encourage Reviews: Follow up with your customers and ask them about your product using the “Request a Review” option on Amazon.
  • Response to Q&A: Swift responses to customers’ questions will build their trust and make them want to buy the product more.
  • Positive Review: Highlight the positive reviews of your product in its descriptions to build credibility and trust.

8) A+ Content (Enhanced Brand Content):

A+ Content makes an additional path for your product to be more visible in the search results. Along with better Amazon SEO, it also enhances the overall shopping experience of your customers when they come to your product page. It is believed that well developed A+ content can increase conversion rate by 5.6%. Here are some of the critical elements of A+ Content:

  • Enhanced Images and Text Placements: Consider using more detailed miniatures and images to illustrate product benefits and features. 
  • Comparison Charts: Use comparison charts to highlight the main differences between your products and those of competitors or other products in your product series.
  • Brand Story: Tell the world who you are, what your business is about, and your values, and make customers feel emotionally connected to your brand.
  • SEO Benefits: The critical section of the website must contain high volume, less competitive keywords that will increase searchability through additional optimization.


In conclusion, optimizing your product listings according to Amazon’s guidelines and styling format can be much more beneficial for your business. Focusing on the critical areas of your product, using backend keywords, high-quality product images, Amazon SEO, and A+ content can make your product more visible in the search results, taking it straight to your potential customers. Follow all the strategies discussed above to get the most benefits.

If you’re not sure about getting successful results by yourself, it’s best to outsource store marketing to an Amazon agency. You can hire Scaleforte if you’re looking for listing optimisation and PPC services since we have an expert team who can help you leverage the complete potential of Amazon. And, this will ultimately result in more store traffic and sales. Book a free meeting with Scaleforte right now to get started!

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